
New youth space for Morwell

A new $4.3 million youth space in Morwell will be designed for and with Latrobe Valley’s young people. 

The innovative and contemporary facility will deliver a range of integrated programs, activities and services that connect young people to education, training, employment and broader community life.

It will provide links to a range of vital services and activities in the one, easy to access spot, helping young people in Morwell to be actively involved in social and community life.

Over the coming months, young people and the community will be consulted about the best location for the new space in Morwell.

Young people will be involved in designing the layout and operation of the new youth space and will shape the type of programs and services to be delivered there.

It will also be a base for social enterprises to provide training and placements for young people, providing real work experience and pathways to other employment opportunities.

The new youth space will provide at least three new ongoing jobs in Morwell, including a coordinator and two youth workers. In addition, local jobs will be created building or refurbishing the new centre once the location is decided.

For more information on the Youth Space in Morwell, visit