
About us

The Latrobe Valley Authority (LVA) was established in November 2016 to support the region through sustainable economic transition.

Our vision

A strong future for the Latrobe Valley and Gippsland.

Our purpose

Create the conditions where every Gippslander has the opportunity to thrive now and into the future

The LVA was given a clear mandate to do things differently; to bring community, business and government together to understand and work on the things that really matter in the region and that will make a difference. This approach is based on global best practice in placed-based contemporary regional development.

Working collaboratively in partnership is at the heart of our approach. This includes listening to what matters to people, building on the strengths of the region, and drawing on local, national and international evidence.

Our initial focus was an immediate response to the closure of the Hazelwood Power Station, supporting impacted businesses, workers and their families. In addition, a suite of major and community infrastructure, events and programs have been delivered providing a local economic stimulus and boost to liveability benefiting the community and attracting visitors to the region.

Our focus has broadened over time to working with community, businesses, industry and local government to create the essential conditions for economic diversification and long term sustainable prosperity.

Immediate response

  • Personalised support for workers impacted by industry closures
  • Incentives for businesses to grow and employ more people
  • Stimulus investments in community facilities and events

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Recovery and capability building

  • Increasing the skill base of workers and employers in growth sectors
  • Building business capability and maximising local procurement
  • Funding to improve sustainability of community organisations and increase participation

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Regional growth and transformation

  • Creating better systems for innovation, collaboration and shared leadership
  • Assisting local industry and business innovation to maximise competitive advantage
  • Adapting education and training to grow jobs and skills in future growth industries
  • Attracting investment and maximising infrastructure for increased connectivity and participation

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This includes investing in collaboration and innovation to identify and advance competitive advantage opportunities and future investment in four areas of identified regional strength and future growth potential

We are also focused on building the skills and knowledge required for workers and businesses to benefit from these future opportunities. This includes transition of workers from fossil fuel energy and native timber harvesting into new job opportunities.

We play a vital role in facilitating collaboration between key stakeholders to identify shared local strengths priorities and maximise the impact of investments and local infrastructure.

Page last updated: 04 Oct 2023