What is the Latrobe Valley Authority?
- The Latrobe Valley Authority (LVA) is a unique place-based organisation specifically created to support the Latrobe Valley and Gippsland as the region navigates economic transition. The LVA team is based in Morwell. They are proud and passionate advocates for the region.
How does the LVA operate?
- We work with our community and key stakeholders in business, education and government, to help build regional capability and improve economic outcomes. We have helped identify the region’s core strengths and established priorities that will: help grow local business, create quality employment outcomes and set the region up for a strong sustainable future.
What does the LVA do?
- We support the diversification of the region’s economy with a specific focus on the region’s core strengths: Health and Wellbeing, Tourism, Food and Fibre, and Energy. We do this by building the resilience and capability of our communities, local workers and businesses. We actively facilitate and increased investment and innovation in future growth industries.
What are some of the notable economic achievements for the region?
- Since 2016 the region has received an investment of almost $1.5 billion which has contributed to more than 4,000 additional jobs being created through major projects and business support.
- The original $266 million investment kick-started the LVA’s work and enabled hundreds of jobs to be created through the construction of around $750 million worth of new major projects like the Hi-Tech Precinct in Morwell and Gippsland Regional Aquatic Centre in Traralgon.
What are some key projects funded through the LVA in recent years?
- Worker Transition Service to support Hazelwood workers, contractors and their families with career navigation, training and health and wellbeing.
- Economic Growth Zone Reimbursement Scheme provided funding to 374 businesses resulting in 1,156 jobs.
- $85 million Latrobe Valley Sports and Community Initiative which created state-of-the-art inclusive facilities and 500 jobs across the region.
- GROW Gippsland Program building local business capability and maximising local procurement.
- Business Support Service in partnership with Gippsland’s six local governments, which provides a tailored concierge service that makes it easier for businesses to access support services and relevant networks.
- $20 million grants funding program for local community infrastructure coupled with focussed support for community organisations enabling them to be more robust, sustainable and inclusive.
What is the LVA doing now to support transition across the region?
- Working with communities across Gippsland to identify opportunities for growth and create quality business and employment outcomes.
- Partnering with the local health industry and with training and education providers to ensure our skilled workforce can continue to meet the needs of the community.
- Linking with the tourism sector, Destination Gippsland and local government to attract major events and partnerships that utilise the region’s state-of-the-art cultural and recreational facilities.
- Partnering with Food and Fibre Gippsland and Regional Development Victoria to help deliver stronger economic outcomes for the region through the food and fibre sector.
- Investigate a range of new energy opportunities for the region through the Energy Innovation Network in partnership with the Gippsland Climate Change Network and industry
- Team with Energy Australia in the design and delivery of a transition support service for Yallourn workers, contractors, their families and local business.
- Partner with Gippsland’s Local Governments and State Government agencies to help facilitate the implementation of innovative regional development projects across the region.