Chatterboxing Away at CCG Open Day

30 April 2024

LVA's Jules Cole with chatterbox in hand at the Community College Gippsland Open Day

The Community College Gippsland (CCG) Open Day was a great opportunity to hear from young people who have left mainstream education.

LVA's Jules Cole hit the ground with colourful chatterboxes to break down barriers and hear what was important to these young people. Many of the students said they felt rejected and unwanted at mainstream schools. At risk of disengaging with education entirely, they came to CCG as an alternative. They told us they felt safe at CCG, appreciated being treated like adults and enjoyed learning practical skills.

Many told us they planned to pursue a 'traditional' career in Gippsland, such as trades or hair and beauty.

We found students weren’t yet aware of job opportunities in the renewable energy sector.

The LVA’s own Ash Hall, gave them the run-down on future job opportunities in Gippsland within the energy sector, which seemed to strike a chord for those who had considered chasing FIFO work up north.

Pictured: Jules Cole  LVA Director Regional Strengths and Stakeholder Engagement.