
Over $1.7 million in grants for community projects

Community projects across Latrobe Valley will share in more than $1.7 million from the LVA’s Community and Facility Fund, with latest grants announcement featuring a range of projects which will improve comfort, accessibility and community participation. 

  • Moe Apex AAA Park – $215,417 for stage one construction of a nature play space including nature play equipment, new trees, shelter and barbecue area, park furniture and a network of pedestrian paths to improve accessibility.
  • Moe Botanic Gardens – $236,695 for installation of play equipment and softfall, landscaping and tree planting, railway sleeper gantry entrance, picnic and park seating and a pathway connecting features of the park.
  • Newborough Yallourn United Soccer Club – $6,563 for completion of plans to upgrade the existing pavilion and construct a second pavilion.
  • Yinnar pathway lighting – $120,000 towards installation of solar powered pathway lighting between the Yinnar township and the Yinnar Recreation Reserve.
  • Apex Park Traralgon – $210,000 towards installation of four lighting towers at the Apex Park oval.
  • Traralgon Table Tennis Association – $198,907 for upgrades to facilities at the Traralgon Table Tennis Stadium including new accessible amenities, all abilities access ramp, canteen and office upgrade, upgrade of International wing, electrical upgrade and asbestos removal.
  • Gippsland Ranges Roller Derby – $81,600 for roof repairs, electrical upgrades, pad the walls (specific to roller derby), install a child play area, create a new entry area, fit out the storage area. Accessibility improvements will include a unisex accessible toilet with baby change, a ramp to replace steps leading to the toilets and an accessible emergency exit.
  • Burnet Park Girl Guides – $10,000 for development of formal design and construction plans, building permits and construction cost-estimate for a new self-contained amenity block.
  • Morwell Centenary Rose Garden – $13,500 towards construction of a circular, steel slatted seating with a back rest around an existing mature shade tree with paving and a pathway to allow for all abilities access.
  • Rosedale Lions Club – $11,737 to construct a new Colorbond shed to store the Club’s catering equipment on-site at the Rosedale Recreation Reserve.
  • Latrobe Valley Aero Club – $20,000 to undertake planning required for the development of and upgrade to clubrooms.
  • Morwell Neighbourhood House – $26,305 for installation of a solar system with battery storage and energy efficiency upgrades such as lighting replacements.
  • Country Women’s Association (CWA) – $36,431 grant for a kitchen refit, accessibility and comfort upgrades at the Victoria Street clubrooms in Warragul. The upgrades to the Country Women’s Association’s Warragul Branch Clubrooms will improve functionality, accessibility and comfort for members.
  • Noojee Heritage Centre – $12,750 for relocation of two goods yard rail carriages (acquired from Public Transport Victoria) from Leongatha for the purposes of a replica heritage railway station at Noojee Heritage Centre.
  • Longford Tennis Club – $37,173 towards resurfacing two tennis courts and replacement of halogen lighting with LEDs to reduce the Club’s energy consumption and costs. 
  • Hallora Recreation Reserve – $292,500 for renovation and extension of the existing pavilion, and renovations to amenities servicing the home and away change rooms, a first aid room and umpires facilities will be constructed.
  • Buln Buln Recreation Reserve – $285,000 for upgrades to amenities in the home and away change rooms and a first aid room will be constructed within the home change rooms.
  • Destination Gippsland, Lardner Park feasibility study – $19,900 will ensure scientifically sound decisions about future demand for Lardner Park’s water based systems and develop full feasibility and business case outcomes to attract future funding for infrastructure improvements.


  A range of community and sporting group representatives at the funding announcement at Moe Apex AAA Park.                          Members of CWA Warragul Branch celebrating a $36,431 grant to upgrade their clubrooms. 

Over 150 community projects across the region have now been realised with support from the Latrobe Valley Authority’s Community and Facility Fund totaling more than $13 million.