
Latrobe Valley and Gippsland Transition Plan

Gippsland, your Transition Plan is now live

Gippsland 2035 - Our Region. Our Future.

Backed by extensive collaboration, Gippsland 2035 is what we’ve called the suite of three documents that form the vision and actions that will see Gippslanders thrive as the region transitions towards a sustainable and prosperous future.

  1. The Transition Plan – “Plan”
  2. The Implementation Plan – “Do”
  3. The Outcomes Framework – “Assess”

Together, these documents provide a blueprint for Gippsland's transition and offer a promising path toward a brighter future for the region - Gippsland 2035.

Download Gippsland 2035 - The Whole Package   (PDF - 5.5 MB)

Shaping the future of Latrobe Valley and Gippsland

We gathered feedback and advice from people right across the region and want to thank the thousands who have shared their hopes, dreams and aspirations for our region’s future. Those thoughts, priorities and strengths are what this long-term vision for economic growth, job creation and the development of sustainable industries are built on.

Developed in Gippsland, by Gippsland and for Gippsland, the Latrobe Valley and Gippsland Transition Plan sets out a shared vision for the community in 2035.

1. Transition Plan

  • identifies goals, guiding principles and areas of focus that will contribute to achieving positive outcomes
  • contains 52 recommendations including roles and opportunities for action across all sectors, paving the way for better targeting of programs, services and infrastructure
  • describes how Gippsland can create quality, long-term jobs, retrain and re-skill workers in transitioning industries and improve the health and wellbeing of the community
  • recognises potential for stronger alignment of policy and investment across all levels of government and private and community sectors.

Download the Transition Plan (PDF - 2.6 MB)

Download the Transition Plan - accessible version (WORD - 987.4 KB)

2. Implementation Plan

An Implementation Plan has also been developed to give the community a clear roadmap of current and planned activities. It will provide the basis for further investment and engagement from industry, the community and all three levels of government.

Download the Implementation Plan (PDF - 424.3 KB)

Download the Implementation Plan - accessible version (WORD - 127.3 KB)

Updated September 2024.

3. Outcomes Framework

The Outcomes Framework is a way of checking whether we are on track to achieve our goals.

It communicates:

  • What the Plan aims to achieve – these are the outcomes described in the Plan.
  • What needs to change to help us get there – these are the indicators in this Outcomes Framework.
  • How we will know if we are making progress – these are the measures in this Outcomes Framework.

This Outcomes Framework was developed in consultation with business, community and government representatives. We acknowledge and appreciate their contribution.

Download the Outcomes Framework (PDF - 1.4 MB)

Download the Outcomes Framework - accessible version (WORD - 53.6 KB)

Community voice at the heart of the Transition Plan

Local ideas and voices have been so important in creating a shared vision that is embraced by our community and backed by local leaders, key employers, industry groups and government for Gippsland 2035.

Learn more about the Transition Plan.

Download Transition Plan Information Sheet (PDF - 79.6 KB)

Download Transition Plan Fact Sheet - accessible version (WORD - 40.5 KB)

What we've heard from Gippslanders

This is what our community is telling us is important to them when it comes to Gippsland and the Latrobe Valley now, in 2035, and beyond:

Education and training

  • Access to relevant study and training opportunities
  • Young people aspire to study and work in the region.


  • High-quality, valued jobs and career pathways in industries with a long-term future
  • *Grow, develop and retain a skilled workforce to meet the future needs of the region
  • Increased workforce participation through accessible employment pathways and inclusive employment practices
  • Support for transitioning workers in traditional industries.


  • A thriving economy focused on identified areas of strength
  • Increased opportunities for local supply chains and local procurement
  • Driving collaborative innovation to position Gippsland as a Victorian industry leader


  • Sufficient housing to improve social outcomes and accommodate a growing workforce
  • A healthy and attractive natural environment
  • An inclusive and safe built environment that is appreciated by and caters to the needs of the community
  • Empowered and thriving communities that are diverse and socially cohesive
  • Accessible and inclusive services for health and wellbeing
  • Integrated transport for access to jobs, education and services
  • Reliable digital connectivity to enable businesses and the community to access the full benefits of digital innovation and inclusion.

Coordination, collaboration and shared leadership

  • Clear roles and responsibilities across governments, industry, education and community.

Want more information about Gippsland 2035?

If you would like to talk to someone in the team or arrange a meeting with your organisation or community group, please contact us via the details below.

Contact details


Phone: 1800 136 762

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Page last updated: 10 Sep 2024